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DVOC Main Page > Field Trips
Last page update on Thursday, September 15, 2011

Going on a Field Trip, or just going birding? Check out the DVOC Field Checklist - CLICK HERE

All who have an interest in birds are invited to attend functions of the DVOC


DVOC offers a variety of field trips to locations in and around the Delaware Valley area. Some trips target specific species while others concentrate on birding a certain habitat or area. Our field trips are led by a number of DVOC members who eagerly share their knowledge, experience and enthusiasm with trip participants. Most trips are half to full day events, with some being longer excursions to more distant locations.

We offer approximately 40 field trips annually - a number that has been steadily increasing each year. We are always seeking new leaders and exciting destinations. DVOC field trips are open to members and non members of all skill levels. These field trips are a fun way to see birds, learn about avian behavior and meet new birders.

Robert Horton (Chair)
, Adrian Binns, Martin Dellwo


For our winter field trips, should extreme weather be forecasted the trip may be cancelled at the leaders’ discretion. Please check the website before departure for any updates.

Contact Information for Field Trip Leaders

2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Field Trip Archives


Explore the underwater trench called the Hudson Shelf Valley that extends from near shore all the way to the Hudson Canyon. Birds of interest seen in the past include Dovekie, Razorbill, Common Murre, Atlantic Puffin, Black-legged Kittiwake, Iceland Gull, and Northern Gannet.
The trip sails from Belmar, NJ from 8:00 AM to approx. 4:00 PM
Cost: $115 + $5 CBC Fee (optional)
Leader: Paul Guris
2009 Field Trip Report
2008 Field Trip Report
2007 Field Trip Report
2005 Field Trip Report

Join the 23rd annual mid-winter census which highlights the incredible diversity of habitat and species found within our city borders. An average of 92 species are recorded each year including notable rarities.
Contact: Keith Russell
2009 Report
2008 Report
2007 Report
2006 Report
2005 Report
2004 Report
2003 Report

January 17-19 (Saturday-Monday) - MONTAUK (LONG ISLAND), NEW YORK
A trip over Martin Luther King weekend for winter finches, eiders, scoters, alcids and any Eurasian accidentals. Car pool from N.E. Phila at 6AM. Space is limited due to lodging constraints – first come, first served! Shared expenses.
Leaders: Erica Brendel and Chris Walters
2009 Field Trip Report
2008 Field Trip Report
2007 Field Trip Report
2006 Field Trip Report
2005 Field Trip Report
2004 Field Trip Report
2003 Field Trip Report

January 17 (Saturday) - CAPE MAY
Meet 9:00AM at the Wawa Parking Lot (Rtes 47 and 347) for seabirds and wintering waterfowl. Dress for the weather and bring lunch and scopes. We will end the day at Jake's Landing Road looking for short-eared owls. This is a joint field trip with Wyncote Audubon.
Leader: Martin Selzer
2009 Field Trip Report
2008 Field Trip Report
2007 Field Trip Report

January 23 – February 2 (Friday-Monday) – BIRDING AND SAILING IN THE ANTILLES
New in 2009
In the footsteps of James Bond (former DVOC member)
Bob Horton and Vincent Nichnadowicz will lead a ten-day birding by sail trip to the Caribbean in mid-January, 2009. Using a chartered boat from either Antigua or St. Vincent to explore several islands such as Barbuda, Nevis, Guadeloupe, St. Lucia and/or Montserrat. The boat will be either a sloop or a catamaran depending on the size of the group and will be our home as we travel. Days will be a mix of sailing, sea and land bird watching and snorkeling. Emphasis will be on endemic Caribbean birds as well as wintering birds. A good field guide is Herbert Raffaele’s Birds of the West Indies. Costs will be approximately $1,000.00 plus airfare and food for self catering.
Bob is a former US Coast Guard member who spent a lot of time sailing his Corinthian in the NY/NJ area. Vincent has sailed and captained boats in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans.
Group will be limited to four to eight people and will determine boat size and itinerary. Sailing experience is not needed but a desire for adventure is. Please contact Bob. FULL
Bob Horton and Vincent Nichnadowicz

January 24 (Saturday) – CONOWINGO DAM, MD and MUDDY RUN, PA
Birding on the Susquehanna River where there is a nice concentration of Bald Eagles around Conowingo Dam. After birding the dam we will head north to Muddy Run, a Pennsylvania Power and Light reservoir, and the overlook for wintering waterfowl. Meet at 9AM at Fisherman’s Park at Conowingo Dam.
Directions: From Route 1. Immediately after crossing the dam, turn left on Fisherman Park Road for .07 mile and follow signs to Fisherman’s Park.
Leader: Tom Reeves cell 267.879. 0000 phone 610.361.8027
2009 Field Trip Report
2008 Field Trip Report
2007 Field Trip Report

New in 2009
This trip will search for the Sandhill Crane flock that has traditionally roosted at Husted Landing. This is supposedly a resident flock although no one seems to know where they breed. It is extremely interesting because a Common Crane and several hybrid offspring are part of this group of 18 birds. If the flock hasn't been located then this trip will end at Jake's Landing for the Short-eared Owl show. This trip will meet at 11am at the WaWa at Route 47 and 347. This will give us a chance to chase whatever else is around before completing the day with the dusk activity of the cranes and or owls. This trip will likely produce large numbers of Snow Geese, maybe even a Ross’s or Greater White-fronted Goose, harriers and Bald Eagles.
Leader: Tony Croasdale
2009 Field Trip Report

The lakes in this urban, south-philly park hosts hundreds of ducks during the winter ducks, including Scaup, Ring-Neck, Bufflehead, Wigeon, Shoveler, Green-Winged Teal, Ruddy Duck, Redheads and there is always the possibility of Canvasback. Meet at the parking lot on the south side of the main lake at 9:00AM. Dress warmly; bring scope and binoculars for fairly rewarding, close-up views.
Leader: Debbie Beer
2009 Field Trip Report
2008 Field Trip Report

February 7 (Saturday) – DELAWARE CITY, DE
A morning trip around the freshwater ponds can be very productive. Meet at 8AM at Veteran's Park (Delaware River end of Clinton St) in Delaware City.
Leader: Colin Campbell
2009 Field Trip Report
2008 Field Trip Report

February 8 (Sunday) – MANAHAWKIN WMA, NJ
New in 2009
The dead of winter is a splendid time to spend in salt marshes. Sometimes the "Bridge to Nowhere" is a stop on a return trip from Barnegat Light, however this spot is definitely worth a trip of its own to discover what treasures it may contain. The “Bridge to Nowhere” is a bridge at the end of a poorly maintained dirt road that was once supposed to lead to a failed development. This spot is notorious for Short-eared Owls and Rough-legged Hawks and has had Sedge Wren. We will also visit nearby Cedar Run Dock Road which is better maintained, less wild but has access to Barnegat Bay. This is also a good spot for short-ears and rough-legs as well as diving ducks and grebes, this spot has held Red-necked Grebe before.
We will meet at the Stafford Diner on route 72 and Mermaid Drive, next to Wawa at noon. This trip is timed for Short-eared Owls at dusk; those who want to bird the whole day can do Brig or Barnegat Light in the morning.
Leader: Tony Croasdale
2009 Field Trip Report

February 14-16 (Saturday - Monday) – EASTERN ONTARIO
A 3 day trip over President’s weekend to look for winter finches, raptors and owls. In Algonquin we hope for crossbills, redpolls, Pine Grosbeak, Boreal Chickadee, Gray Jay, Black-backed Woodpecker and Spruce Grouse, while in the south the woods and fields should hold Saw-whet, Long-eared, Short-eared and Snowy Owl. If they are around we’ll also search for Boreal, Great Gray and Hawk Owl. Quality, not quantity! Limited registration. Fee.
Leader: Adrian Binns
2009 Field Trip Report
2008 Field Trip Report
2007 Field Trip Report
2006 Field Trip Report
2005 Field Trip Report

Join us as we search for wintering waterfowl, gulls, seabirds and other late winter visitors. Besides birding Indian River Inlet and Rehoboth Bay, we will stop at Silver Lake, Cape Henlopen State Park, Prime Hook and Bombay Hook as we bird our way back north. Dress for the weather, bring lunch and scopes. This is a joint field trip with Wyncote Audubon.
Meet at the parking lot on the north side of the Indian River Inlet at 9am.
Leader : Martin Selzer
2009 Field Trip Report
2008 Field Trip Report
2007 Field Trip Report
2006 Field Trip Report
2005 Field Trip Report
2004 Field Trip Report

This field trip will focus on getting some good photographs of wintering gulls and waterfowl at Barnegat Light. Almost no effort will be made to find rarities. We’ll plan to walk the jetty, find cooperative birds and photograph them. Target birds include Red-throated Loons, Common Loon, Long-tailed Ducks, Scoters, Purple Sandpipers, Eiders, Snow Buntings and Ipswich Sparrow -- basically whatever we find. A King Eider showed up for our much-delayed trip in 2008. Whether you're new to photography or a pro, you're welcome on this trip. I will be shooting almost exclusively with a Digital SLR and 300mm lens. Digiscopers and more traditional photographers are both welcome, and we'll do our best to find some subjects for everyone. If interested, contact Steve Kacir and let him know whether you'll be digiscoping or just using a camera. Some information about your lens will also help in planning our approach to this trip. In case of foul weather the trip will be rescheduled.
Field Trip meeting place: Lighthouse Parking Lot. Meeting Time: 8:00am
Leader: Steve Kacir
2009 Field Trip Report
2008 Field Trip Report

A ½ day field trip ideally suited to NEW MEMBERS & STUDENTS (but open to all members) to the best location in Jersey to see Harlequin Duck and Purple Sandpiper. Common Eider are regular here and we’ll look for King Eider. An assortment of ducks and loons should be found in the inlet. The dunes hold “Ipswich” Sparrow and usually Snow Buntings, and in good years longspurs. Dress warm. Meet at the Lighthouse parking lot at 9:00AM
Leader: Chris Walters
2009 Field Trip Report
2008 Field Trip Report
2007 Field Trip Report (March)
2007 Field Trip Report (January)
2006 Field Trip Report
2005 Field Trip Report
2004 Field Trip Report

MARCH 21 (Saturday) – BOMBAY HOOK NWR Delaware Breeding Bird Atlas Field Trip, DE
New in 2009
This field trip will focus on confirming early breeders and scouting for breeding birds at Bombay Hook NWR. All data accumulated will be entered in the Delaware Breeding Bird Atlas project, and some effort will be made to confirm Horned Lark breeding on the refuge among other things. We’ll also have time to look for interesting lingering overwintering birds and early migrants. Some target birds include: Cackling Goose, Eurasian Teal, Eurasian Wigeon, Rusty Blackbird, early shorebirds, American Woodcock, Northern Harrier and Bald Eagle. The trip will run all day, but we’ll probably break for a hot lunch. This trip will run rain or shine.
Field Trip meeting place: Refuge Headquarters Parking Lot
Meeting Time: 8:00am
Leader: Steve Kacir
2009 Field Trip Report

MARCH 28 (Saturday) – FRANKIN PARKER PRESERVE, NJ, Pinelands birding
New in 2009
Franklin Parker Preserve is a relatively new reserve made up of old cranberry bogs and pinelands. New Jersey Conservation Foundation's Emile De Vito will meet us in Chatsworth and guide us through this preserve, we will actually be able to drive through the reserve instead of the usual very long hike one needs to do to explore this gem. Franklin Parker Preserve is a really unique piece of habitat. This location came to be known in birding circles for its late summer gull-billed terns and a northern shrike that spent a few weeks there two winters ago. The reserve hosts tundra swans, rough-legged hawks, harriers and bald eagles in the winter, some of which will hopefully still be around. We may also be treated to pipit, Savanna sparrows and merlin. You never know what will turn up in a spot like this.
We will meet at the Chatsworth Firehouse (corner of 563 and 532) at 9:00am and carpool into the reserve. After we are done in Franklin Parker Preserve we will try a reliable red-headed woodpecker location in the pinelands, or even go to Tuckerton in time allows.
Leader: Tony Croasdale

For possible winter stragglers such as Ross' Goose, Eurasian Teal, Eurasian Wigeon, Rusty, Brewer's and Yellow-headed Blackbirds, and any early migrants (Ruffs have previously been seen on this trip) as well as being a good time of the year for Cackling Goose, Sandhill Crane, Winter Wren, American Woodcock, Fox Sparrow, Bald Eagle, and any early shorebirds.
Leader: Frank Windfelder
Click Here for directions and map
2008 Field Trip Report
2007 Field Trip Report
2006 Field Trip Report
2004 Field Trip Report
2003 Field Trip Report
Summary of trips 1999-2008
(*.pdf file)

APRIL 12 (Sunday) – EASTER

April 18 (Saturday) - COASTAL DELAWARE
Looking for early migrants and lingering winter visitors. We will begin in new Castle County and head south into Kent County. Bring lunch and scopes. Contact leader the week before for meeting time and place.
This is a joint field trip with Wyncote Audubon.
(This DVOC trip is a joint field trip with Wyncote Audubon and is free to members and non-members.)
Leader: Lynn Jackson
2009 Field Trip Report

A spring morning is planned at Riverwinds and later at the National Park Red Bank Dredge Spoils, both adjacent to Philadelphia in Gloucester County. Jeff has personally seen over 130 species at Riverwinds alone and the dredge spoils is an excellent place for over wintering waterfowl and nesting marsh species. Targets for the morning will be early migrants and nesting bitterns, rails, Moorhen, Coot and Pied-billed Grebe. Meet at 7AM at Riverwinds.
(This DVOC trip is free to members and non-members. )
Leader: Jeff Holt
Information on Riverwinds
2009 Field Trip Report
2008 Field Trip Report
2007 Field Trip Report
2006 Field Trip Report

New in 2009
This field trip will focus on photographing early breeders, overwintering birds and early migrants at Bombay Hook NWR. All data accumulated will be entered in the Delaware Breeding Bird Atlas project, but we’ll focus a lot of time on photographing the refuge and its wildlife. We won’t necessarily look for any specific species, but will try to find wildlife engaged in interesting behaviors at distances that will allow us to compose some good photographs. Whether you're new to photography or a pro, you're welcome on this trip. I will be shooting almost exclusively with a Digital SLR and 300mm lens. Digiscopers and more traditional photographers are both welcome, and we'll do our best to find some subjects for everyone. If interested, contact Steve Kacir and let him know whether you'll be digiscoping or just using a camera. Some information about your lens will also help in planning our approach to this trip. In case of foul weather the trip will be rescheduled. The trip will run all day, but we’ll probably break for a hot lunch.
(This DVOC trip is free to members and non-members.)
Field Trip meeting place: Refuge Headquarters Parking Lot
Meeting Time: 7:30am
Leader: Steve Kacir
2009 Field Trip Report

May 1-3 (Friday-Sunday) - BIRDING SOUTHERN DELAWARE and into MARYLAND
This weekend trip starts at Bombay Hook NWR on Friday morning and works south to Trap Pond State Park where you can camp or you can motel nearby. Saturday we bird Nanticoke WMA and areas around Seaford before returning to Trap Pond. Sunday, we bird the Cypress Swamps in DE and MD, then head north to the bayside areas. Interspersed throughout is a gourmet tour trying local delicacies such as crab, scrapple and muskrat. Yummy. Full details on a flyer nearer the time. Please contact Colin to sign up. Alternatively contact Bob Horton for questions or to be added to the list of attendees.
(This DVOC trip is free to members and non-members.)
Leader: Colin Campbell
2009 Field Trip Report
2008 Field Trip Report
2007 Field Trip Report
2006 Field Trip Report
2005 Field Trip Report
2004 Field Trip Report

New in 2009
Many of the details about this trip have yet to be finalized. Our objective is to do some night birding and listen to calling rails and other marsh birds that are primarily active at night. The tentative itinerary is to meet at Turkey Point in the early evening and listen for rails, with the objective of hearing Yellow Rail. Other target birds include Black Rail, Sora, King Rail and Clapper Rail. This is a change of venue from previous years’ trips to the C&D Canal in Delaware. In case of bad weather that would make listening for rails difficult, the trip will be rescheduled.

Tentative Schedule (Stragglers and Late Arrivals are Welcome!): The 7:30pm meeting time is scheduled to take advantage of a great amount of bird activity at Turkey Point around Sunset. At around 8:00pm we will be at the spot where Yellow Rails have been most reliable at Turkey Point this year: 0.7miles from the intersection of Turkey Point Rd and Maple St near an old overgrown road that is on the right side of Turkey Point Rd as you head towards the bridge. There we will listen for owls, woodcock and Whip-poor-will. We will range between that spot, the bridge and the dog-leg on Turkey Point Rd until we hear Yellow Rail and Black Rail. This year, Yellow Rail has called around 9:00pm, 10:30pm, 1:00am and 3:00am, so if you prefer to skip the sunset spectacle feel free to find us on Turkey Point Rd later that evening. The field trip will either disperse or consider a change of venue at midnight. Please email Steve Kacir if you plan on attending so I can keep you informed on the status of the trip.
(This DVOC trip is free to members and non-members.)
Meeting Time: 7:30 PM
Meeting Place: The end of Turkey Point Road, NJ
Click Here for a Google Map of the meeting location
Leader: Steve Kacir
2009 Field Trip Report

Fort Washington State Park (FWSP) is an excellent place for spring migration. We have tallied up to twenty-eight species in prior spring migration periods. For this trip we will meet at the Hawk Watch platform at Militia Hill at 8AM.
Directions to FWSP:
(This DVOC trip is free to members and non-members.)
Leaders: Bill and Naomi Murphy
2009 Field Trip Report
2008 Field Trip Report
2007 Field Trip Report
2006 Field Trip Report

One-half day trip. We will bird for passerines, but check the wet habitats as well for non-passerines. Meet in Tinicum's parking lot at 6:30 AM.
(This DVOC trip is free to members and non-members.)
Leader: Frank Windfelder (267-251-1141)
2009 Field Trip Report


We will spend most of the morning at Glassboro Woods WMA looking for southern swamp breeders such as Kentucky, Prothontary, and Hooded Warblers, Acadian Flycatcher, and Scarlet Tanager. For the afternoon, we will hit a couple "off the beaten" path areas in the county for additional breeding birds.
We will meet at 7:00AM at Glassboro Woods WMA on Carpenter - the west (Rt. 47) end. Pull into the parking area by the gate.
(This DVOC trip is free to members and non-members.
Leader: Sandra Keller
2009 Field Trip Report

We will bird the most likely spots on the way up on Wednesday (bring your own lunch). We will spend the night in a luxurious cabin on a private 4,000 acre preserve, . The preserve has had 69 species nesting including Bald Eagle and Woodcock. We will dine there on Wednesday night and then look for owls at dusk. We will have breakfast in our cabin the following morning and hike the preserve looking for warblers along a premier trout stream. We will again bird targets of opportunity on our way back Thursday arriving home late in the evening. The cost is $130/person double occupancy. This includes van or SUV transportation depending on numbers, dinner on Wednesday night and breakfast Thursday morning. We will leave from Havertown at 7:30 AM on the 13th.
(This a special offer and a private opportunity for DVOC members. All arrangements are being made by Phil Witmer and Greystone Preserve. There is a fee for this trip which is not set by DVOC. If the trip is not filled by club members it may be opened to non-members.)
For more information contact Phil Witmer at 610.446.1312 or [email protected]

May 16 (Saturday)– SW NEW JERSEY
New in 2009 - CANCELLED
This trip will track down goodies spotted during scouting for the World Series of Birding. We will likely visit Bevan's WMA, Dividing Creek, Bivalve, Heislerville WMA, Belleplain State Forest and many off the beaten track in Cumberland County and maybe into Northern Cape May County. This trip will hit many locations and will almost certainly locate over 100 species. This part of New Jersey feels very much like Virginia or coastal North Carolina. Summer Tanager, Blue Grosbeak, Yellow-breasted Chat, Kentucky Warbler, Prothonatary Warbler and Yellow-throated Warblers are all breeders here. We will find huge numbers of shorebirds at Bivalve and/or Heislerville WMA. Curlew Sandpiper and White-faced Ibis have been annual in this area in the past four years.
We will meet at 7:30 am at Dividing Creek and Ackley Road.
(This DVOC trip is free to members and non-members.)
Leader: Tony Croasdale

For breeders and spring migrants. Expected: warblers, including Kentucky, Hooded and Louisiana Waterthrush; thrushes (possibly including Swainson's), vireos, flycatchers and many others. Meet at 6:30 AM at the Ridley Creek bridge on Gradyville Road (near Newtown Square, PA). We will bird until 11:00 or noon, depending on when the birds give out.
(This DVOC trip is free to members and non-members)
Leader: Art McMorris
2009 Field Trip Report
2008 Field Trip Report
2007 Field Trip Report

We will meet at the bus stop at Sedgwick St. and Wayne Ave (W. Mt. Airy) at 6:30 AM. We'll look and listen in and around the Woods for newly arrived and/or nesting warblers, thrushes, vireos, tanagers, flycatchers, etc. There are two pairs of nesting Screech Owls in the Woods now who may or may not put in an appearance. We usually run out of birds about noon.
(This DVOC trip is free to members and non-members.)
Leaders: Erica Brendel and John Goschke, co-sponsored by Friends of Carpenter's Woods.
2009 Field Trip Report
2008 Field Trip Report
2007 Field Trip Report
2006 Field Trip Report

May 24 (Sunday) – POCONO MOUNTAINS, PA., Delaware Water Gap, LAYTON & ALPHA, NJ
New in 2009
Late May is an excellent time for breeding birds in the Poconos and northern New Jersey. Among the more common species our targets will be breeding Cerulean and possibly Golden-winged Warblers. We'll stop at the Gap and then cross the river and continue birding in the Layton area of New Jersey and then will head back to Pennsylvania via Alpha. Targets there will be Grasshopper Sparrow and Bobolinks. Please contact Bill and Naomi Murphy for more information at [email protected] if you are interested in participating in this field trip.
(This DVOC trip is free to members and non-members.)
Leaders: Bill and Naomi Murphy
2009 Field Trip Report

This is a half day trip that meets in the early evening. We will focus on hearing and seeing nightjars, especially Common Nighthawks performing their Booming displays. We will also make some efforts to hear and see Barred Owl and Whip-poor-will. Chuck’s-will’s-widow has also been heard calling in the area in past years, though not in recent years. The trip will meet at the Carranza Memorial (between Atsion and Chatsworth) at 6:00PM. In case of foul weather, the trip will be rescheduled.
(This DVOC trip is free to members and non-members.)
Field Trip meeting place: Carranza Memorial (between Atsion and Chatsworth)
Meeting Time: 6:00PM
Leader: Steve Kacir
2009 Field Trip Report
2008 Field Trip Report

It has been 4 years since we were last able to run this very special trip. The grasslands here are the best annual site in NJ for seeing the breeding displays of Upland Sandpipers. We also expect Grasshopper, Vesper, Field and Savannah Sparrows, Horned Lark, Eastern Meadowlark, Bobolink and in the pine forests Pine Warbler. Each participant will need a valid driver’s license or picture ID. Our stay in the Jump Zone grasslands will be 3 hours.
You must register with Bob Horton for this trip in advance. This trip is limited to 20 people.
This DVOC trip is free to members and non-members.
Leader: Bob Horton
Meeting time: 7AM at the Chapel of the Air parking lot in Lakehurst
Directions: Take Rte 70 to the center of Lakehurst. At the McDonald’s & gas station, turn onto Rte 547. In about a ¼ mile, on the left there is a gray chapel named the Chapel of the Air. We will car pool from this parking area under the supervision of John Joyce, the base Conservation Officer. Each car entering the base will need a registration card and proof of insurance.
2009 Field Trip Report

June 13 (Saturday) – BOMBAY HOOK NWR Delaware Breeding Bird Atlas Field Trip
New in 2009
This field trip will focus on confirming breeding bird species found at Bombay Hook NWR. All data accumulated will be entered in the Delaware Breeding Bird Atlas project, and a list of target species we’ll try to confirm as breeders will be provided to those who contact Steve Kacir in advance about the trip. We’ll also have time to look for interesting lingering migrants. We will scrutinize the refuge’s avifauna fairly thoroughly for both breeding species and rarities. Some target birds include: Common Moorhen, Pied-billed Grebe, American Black Duck, Sedge Wren, lingering and breeding shorebirds, American Woodcock, Northern Harrier and Prothonotary Warbler. The trip will run all day, but we’ll probably break for lunch at some point. This trip will run rain or shine.
This DVOC trip is free to members and non-members.
Field Trip meeting place: Refuge Headquarters Parking Lot
Meeting Time: 7:30am
Leader: Steve Kacir
2009 Field Trip Report

July 18 (Saturday) - BOMBAY HOOK NWR, Delaware
We'll be looking for returning shorebirds and other migrants. Bring lunch and scopes and lots of bug juice.
(This DVOC trip is a joint field trip with Wyncote Audubon and is free to members and non-members.)
Contact leader Lynn Jackson for details
2009 Field Trip Report

July 25 (Saturday) – Photography Field Trip: STONE HARBOR POINT AND CAPE MAY POINT, NJ
New in 2009
This field trip will focus on photographing coastal breeders and early migrants in Cape May County, focusing on breeders at Stone Harbor Point in the morning and turning to Cape May Point later in the day. We won’t necessarily look for any specific species, but will try to find wildlife engaging in interesting behaviors at distances that will allow us to compose some good photographs. Whether you're new to photography or a pro, you're welcome on this trip. I will be shooting almost exclusively with a Digital SLR and 300mm lens. Digiscopers and more traditional photographers are both welcome, and we'll do our best to find some subjects for everyone. If interested, contact Steve Kacir and let him know whether you'll be digiscoping or just using a camera. Some information about your lens will also help in planning our approach to this trip. In case of foul weather the trip will be rescheduled. The trip will run all day, but participants should feel free to attend for less than the whole day if they are so inclined. An alternate meeting place can be made to accommodate those who would like to join us later in the day at Cape May Point, but only if you contact Steve in advance.
This DVOC trip is free to members and non-members.
Meeting Time: 6:30AM
Meeting Place: Stone Harbor Point Parking Lot
Leader: Steve Kacir
2009 Field Trip Report

DVOC would certainly appreciate any assistance from members on these days with scouting and leading

We will be exploring the region for whatever is around, but in particular we will focus on the different areas that are productive for shorebirds as the tide changes. We will start near high tide and go until low tide. In addition to the usual shorebirds like Red Knot and Whimbrel, this is a good time for both Hudsonian and Marbled Godwit if they are around. We should also see Royal, Least, and Common Terns, Black Skimmers, Oystercatchers, Yellow-crowned Night-herons, Tricolored Herons, and hopefully some Saltmarsh and Seaside Sparrows.
The trip meets at 9:30AM in the parking lot of the Wetlands Institute which is located on Rt. 657. See the NJ DeLorme page 72 - L12. Plenty of opportunities will exist to leave the group at any time for buying food, gas, restrooms, or whatever. The trip will basically be what we can see from road sides. Not much walking is involved. We will end around 2:30 to 3:00PM. Please bring sunscreen, insect repellant, scope if available, books, plenty of water, etc. Sandra will have some shorebird guides for use if needed.
High tide is 9:00AM this day with low tide a bit after 3:00PM. This is perfect timing to witness the birds moving around from roosting areas to various feeding spots.
Sandra will have her cell phone on her. Feel free to call if needed. Feel free to join the trip late if desired. Call her and see where they are at the moment.
(This DVOC trip is free to members and non-members.)
Trip Leader: Sandra Keller (856) 383-2756.
2009 Field Trip Report

Cancelled due to high water levels - Aug 30 (Sunday) – GREEN LANE RESERVOIR AND UPPER MONTGOMERY COUNTY, PA
Join Steve Kacir for shorebirds, waders and perhaps a few surprises at Green Lane Reservoir. This is one of the best locations in eastern PA for shorebirds. The trip will be a half day trip, focusing on shorebirds on any mudflats at Green Lane as well as some other spots in Upper Montgomery County that are known to attract early migrants and birds undergoing their post-breeding dispersal.
This DVOC trip is free to members and non-members.
Meeting Time: 7:00am
Meeting Place: Church Rd Parking Lot at Green Lane Reservoir.
Trip Leader: Steve Kacir
Directions: From the Northeast Extension of I-476, take Exit 44 for PA 663
towards Quakertown/Pottstown. Take PA 663 South towards Pottstown. PA 663
starts as John Fries Hwy and becomes Pottstown Ave. Turn right onto Schoolhouse Rd. Turn left onto Church Rd. Follow Church Rd for less than a mile. Immediately before the intersection of Church Rd and Hock Rd, turn left into the parking area that borders Green Lane Reservoir. If you get to Kutztown Rd, you have gone too far.

A field trip to the Johnson Farm’s sod fields for an assortment of shorebirds including plovers and sandpipers. Target birds include Upland Sandpiper, American Golden-plover, Baird’s Sandpiper and Buff-breasted Sandpiper. Sharp-tailed Sandpiper was seen here in 2003 and Pacific Golden Plover in 2002.
This DVOC trip is free to members and non-members.
Meeting Time: 7:30AM
Meeting Place: The Wawa at Pole Tavern Circle, 749 US-40, Elmer, NJ 08318, located at the intersection of US-40 and Route 77.
Trip Leader: Steve Kacir
2009 Field Trip Report
2007 Field Trip Report
2006 Field Trip Report
2005 Field Trip Report
2004 Field Trip Report
2003 Field Trip Report

September 6 (Sunday) – PALMYRA COVE NATURE PARK, NJ
We will bird for passerines, then go to the cove for waterbirds. It’s a good time for early fall migrants, such as Golden-winged & Mourning Warblers, Yellow-bellied, Least and Olive-sided Flycatchers. These are rare of course, but we're bound to find something good. Meet in the parking lot at 6:45 AM
This DVOC trip is free to members and non-members.
MAXIMUM: 10 participants - email Frank to register
Leader: Frank Windfelder (267-251-1141)
2009 Field Trip Report
2008 Field Trip Report

Spend a morning birding the fields and forest edges looking for songbird migrants. We will sort through the fall plumages of the (hopefully) numerous migrants at this Fall hotspot. With luck we will get to see a huge fallout of birds, but there should be plenty to see regardless at this time of year. Emphasis will be on sorting out "confusing fall warblers". The warblers are not confused, we are. They know who they are, but we are the ones confused (sometimes anyway). Meet at the main lot at Higbee Beach WMA (the one at the end of the road) Cape May Point NJ at 7:30 AM
This DVOC trip is free to members and non-members.
Leader: Mike Fritz
2009 Field Trip Report
2006 Field Trip Report
2005 Field Trip Report
2004 Field Trip Report
2003 Field Trip Report

For fall migrants.
This is a joint DVOC / Wyncote Audubon Society field trip and is free to members and non-members.
Meet 8 AM.
Trip Leader: Jane Henderson
2009 Field Trip Report

September 14 (Monday) - Manayunk Swift Roost - Philadelphia, PA
In autumn migration, huge numbers of Chimney Swifts roost in chimneys of certain schools in the Roxborough/Manayunk area. The best site this year seems to be the chimney of John Story Jenks School at 8310 Germantown Avenue in Philadelphia (Germantown and Southampton Avenues in Chestnut Hill). The birds have been going down the chimney just before dark, so people should get there around 6:45 PM when the birds begin to gather. There is some street parking behind the school, as well as a parking lot (free in the evening) next to the Verizon building across Germantown Avenue from the school. Swifts can be viewed from the rear of the school playground or from across Germantown Avenue near Southampton. Jane will be in the playground.
This is a joint DVOC / Wyncote Audubon Society field trip and is free to members and non-members
Location of the John Story Jenks Elementary School
Leader: Jane Henderson
2008 Field Trip Report
2007 Field Trip Report
2006 Field Trip Report
2005 Field Trip Report
Video of 2003 Roost (Six second clip in *.avi format - 436 KB. Best viewed with Windows Media Player)
Ornithological Studies Presentation on Chimney Swifts

We should get great looks at Salt Marsh Sharp-tail’s as well as being able to compare all races of Nelson’s. A walk along 7 bridges road will add additional species. We have gotten Clay-colored Sparrow in several years. Bring high boots or wellies. Pack a lunch if you will follow us to Brigantine afterwards. Meet at the end of 7 Bridges Road at 7:30 sharp!
This DVOC trip is free to members and non-members.
Leader: Frank Windfelder (267-251-1141)
2009 Field Trip Report
2008 Field Trip Report
2007 Field Trip Report
2006 Field Trip Report
2005 Field Trip Report
2004 Field Trip Report
2003 Field Trip Report
Summary of trips 2000-2009 (*.pdf file)

October 11 (Sunday) – Photography Field Trip: NORRISTOWN FARM PARK, PA
New in 2009
This field trip will focus on photographing fall migrants and resident species at Norristown Farm Park in Montgomery County, PA. We won’t necessarily look for any specific species, but will try to find wildlife engaging in interesting behaviors close enough to allow us to compose some good photographs. In 2008, the Farm Park was an excellent place to find Vesper Sparrow at this time of year, and we will hope to shoot some photos of American Pipits, White-crowned Sparrows, Savannah Sparrows and more. Though the park is minutes from urbanized Norristown, it attracts a fair number of field birds due to the absence of appropriate habitat in the surrounding area. As such, the farm park can be full of surprises. Whether you're new to photography or a pro, you're welcome on this trip. I will be shooting almost exclusively with a Digital SLR and 300mm lens. Digiscopers and more traditional photographers are both welcome, and we'll do our best to find some subjects for everyone. If interested, contact Steve Kacir and let him know whether you'll be digiscoping or just using a camera. Some information about your lens will also help in planning our approach to this trip. In case of foul weather the trip will be rescheduled. The trip will last half a day.
This DVOC trip is free to members and non-members.
Meeting Time: 7:00AM
Meeting Place: Main Visitor Lot, the parking lot across from the Milk House & Dairy Barn, which is off Upper Farm Rd.
Leader: Steve Kacir

This trip will search for early waterfowl and late passerine and shorebird migrants, as well as local residents.
Meet in Tinicum's parking lot at 8:00 AM.
This DVOC trip is free to members and non-members.
Leader: Denis Brennan (267) 408-2569
2009 Field Trip Report

October 31 or November 1 (Saturday or Sunday) - BAKE OVEN KNOB, PENNSYLVANIA
For raptors and possible Golden Eagle and Goshawk. A decision on which day should have the best conditions will be made the week prior. Meet at parking lot at 8:30 AM and bring lunch.
This DVOC trip is free to members and non-members.
Leaders : Frank Windfelder (267-251-1141) and Chris Walters
2009 Field Trip Report
2008 Field Trip Report
2007 Field Trip Report
2006 Field Trip Report
2005 Field Trip Report
2004 Field Trip Report
2003 Field Trip Report
Click Here for a summary of 2005-2009 trips

Visit Scott Weidensaul’s banding station along the Kittitany Ridge on Second Mountain in Schuylkill County during the peak of Saw-whet migration. Meet at the banding station at 6:30PM. Dress warmly. Expect to be out till 11PM. Limited to 15 participants.
This DVOC trip is free to members and non-members. Priority will be given to DVOC members.
Leader: Debbie Beer
2009 Field Trip Report
2008 Field Trip Report
2007 Field Trip Report
2006 Field Trip Report
2005 Field Trip Report
2004 Field Trip Report
2003 Field Trip Report

New in 2009
This important green space is part of the Upper Ridley / Crum IBA. The varied habitat, including meadows, woods, ponds and riparian area along Ridley Creek, host myriad bird species. We will look for sparrows, raptors and any early winter finches.
Meet at the main parking lot on Rte 3 (West Chester Pike) at 8:00AM
This DVOC trip is free to members and non-members.
Leader: Debbie Beer
2009 Field Trip Report

November 28 (Saturday) – HAWK MIGRATION at RACCOON RIDGE , NJ

Do you find yourself with nothing to do on the day after Thanksgiving? Want to get out and burn off some of that turkey? Or pumpkin pie? Come join us at Raccoon Ridge for a day of hawk watching. This late in the season usually bring in Golden Eagles, Goshawks and other late migrants. We will meet at AMC's Mohigan Lodge near Blairstown, NJ and hike along the Appalachian Trail for about two miles to Raccoon Ridge. It will be COLD! Dress warmly with many layers. Bring lunch and a pad to sit on. Meeting time is 8:30 AM. If you are going to attend, please let me know in advance by email.
This DVOC trip is free to members and non-members.
Leader: Bob Horton
2009 Field Trip Report
2008 Field Trip Report

November 28 (Saturday) - BRIGANTINE (FORSYTHE NWR), NJ
Please meet at the refuge parking lot at 11:30AM.
We will explore Forsythe NWR for waterfowl mainly, but whatever else happens to be around. This refuge is one of the best around for ducks, swans, geese, sparrows, eagles, etc. and is a great place for beginning birders of any age. Bring a scope if you have one - but I will have one that the group is welcome to use, binoculars, field guides - again, I will have several for group use, lunch, camera, etc.
We will end at Mott's Creek to the north of the refuge for (hopefully) Short-eared Owls.
Be prepared to buy a hot drink and sit out on the observation platform for 45 minutes or so until past dusk.
Some birds to study for the trip would be most of the ducks except for Scoters, Oldsquaw, Harlequin, and Eiders, Horned Grebes, Mute and Tundra Swans, Bald Eagle, Northern Harrier, Peregrine and Merlin, the sparrows such as Savannah, Song, Swamp, White-throated, Seaside and Saltmarsh, and Boat-tailed Grackle.
The trip is weather dependant with a weather day of Sunday, November 29. Same timing.
This DVOC trip is free to members and non-members.
Leader: Sandra Keller
2009 Field Trip Report
2008 Field Trip Report
2007 Field Trip Report

December 13 (Sunday) – Beginning of 3 week period of CBC’s through January 3, 2010. Check the CBC listings for local count dates and sign up to participate

And in early 2010..................

(Update 10/09 - This field trip will not be held)
Club member Tony Croasdale and Wildside Nature Tour leader Kevin Loughlin have combined their talents and connections to bring an incredible birding opportunity in Belize and Guatemala to DVOC members. Kevin and Tony have put together an 11 day birding trip to Belize and Guatemala. Glenn Crawford the most renowned guide in Belize will be guiding this entire trip and will be joined by resident guides at each location This trip will begin at Crooked Tree which is on a lagoon of the New River and is famous for it's congregations of water birds notably Jabiru, Boat-billed and Agami Herons and Black-collared Hawk.A guided boat trip will seach for birds along the New River and Spanish Creek. The surrounding pine savanna and galley forest is home to Yucatan endemics like Olive-throated parakeet, Black Catbird and of course Yucatan Jay, Yucatan Parrot and Yucatan Woodpecker. Next the trip will head south to the Cockscomb Basin for birds like Crimson-collared and Passerini’s Tanagers, Green and Red-legged Honeycreepers and White-necked Jacobin. The trip will then move on to the Cayo district on the other side of the Maya Mountains in Western Belize. Black Rock Lodge, a true “off-the-grid” eco-lodge located in a spectacular gorge on the Macal River will be the base of operations as the trip explores this region. Besides exploring Black Rock's extensive grounds for Emerald Toucanet, Tody Motmot, Royal Flycatcher, Ornate Hawk Eagle and Sungrebe the trip will visit other locations in Cayo District. Trips to Mountain Pine Ridge and Chiquibul Forest Reserve will hopefully turn up rarities like Keel-billed Motmot and Scarlet Macaw. Orange-breasted Falcon usually extremely rare and elusive though out its range has its stronghold in this region. Night hikes and rives will likely turn up Northern Pootoo and Vermiculated Screech Owl as well as mammals like Kinkajou and Agouti. The tip will also spend two days at the legendary Mayan ruin of Tikal in Guatemala. Tikal is surrounded by a national park and is renowned for it's abundant and confiding wildlife. Of special note is the presence of big game birds like Occelated Turkey and Great Curassow.
This a special offer and a private opportunity for DVOC members. All arrangements are being made by Wildside Nature Tours. There is a fee for this trip which is not set by DVOC. If the trip is not filled by club members it may be opened to non-members.
For more information go to

2010 Field Trips

And in 2011......

March 9-19, 2011 (Post-tour Darien extension March 19-24, 2011) – SPECIAL TRIP TO PANAMA FOR DVOC MEMBERS
The guide for this trip, Hernan Arauz, will be giving a talk on Panama to DVOC (and also Wyncote, Bucks Birders and maybe DOS) in May 2010.
This a special offer and a private opportunity for DVOC members and members of other Delaware Valley bird clubs. All arrangements are being made by Ancon Expeditions of Panama. There is a fee for this trip which is not set by DVOC.

Click Here for the itinerary
Click Here for the Darien Extension itinerary