
Our neo-tropical migrants begin to appear in our area and most egrets, herons and terns can be found in the coastal marshes and shore by the end of the month.

  • Pedricktown, Gloucester Co, NJ

    Always worth a check for Ruff, Upland Sandpiper and American Golden Plover
    eBird Hotspot

  • Belleplain State Forest, Cape May Co, NJ

    A great place to see all the spring breeding warblers. Pine and Yellow-throated Warblers and Louisiana Waterthrush arrive early in April, followed by Hooded, Worm-eating and Prothonotary Warblers later on and Kentucky Warblers finally get here in May.
    eBird Hotspot

  • Pea Patch Island, New Castle Co, DE

    Heron numbers increase dramatically as they build nests. Great & Little Blues, the 3 white egrets, both night-herons and Glossy Ibis all nest there and feed in local marshes.
    eBird Hotspot

  • Cape Henlopen SP, Sussex Co, DE

    Good for loons (with Common in alt plumage), Gannet, terns, Piping Plover and other shorebirds. Brown-headed Nuthatches come to the Visitor Center feeders.
    eBird Hotspot

  • Nanticoke River, Cherry Walk starts at Phillips Landing Boat Launch west of Laurel, Sussex Co, DE

    Good for early migrants such as Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Yellow-throated, Pine, Palm, Black & white Warblers, Louisiana Waterthrush, Ovenbird …… Pileated Woodpecker, Red-shouldered Hawk and Barred Owl are in the woods, sometimes even real Wild Turkeys, with Osprey and terns on the river.

  • Glassboro Woods, Gloucester Co, NJ

    Wonderful for migrating and nesting passerines, including most of the swamp warblers
    eBird Hotspot

  • John Heinz NWR “Tinicum”, Phila Co, PA

    Great for passerine migration
    John Heinz NWR webpage
    eBird Hotspot

  • Palmyra Cove Nature Park, Burlington County, NJ

    Another wonderful spot for passerine migration
    Palmyra Cove Nature Park webpage
    eBird Hotspot