Our neo-tropical migrants begin to appear in our area and most egrets, herons and terns can be found in the coastal marshes and shore by the end of the month.
Pedricktown, Gloucester Co, NJ
Always worth a check for Ruff, Upland Sandpiper and American Golden Plover
eBird HotspotBelleplain State Forest, Cape May Co, NJ
A great place to see all the spring breeding warblers. Pine and Yellow-throated Warblers and Louisiana Waterthrush arrive early in April, followed by Hooded, Worm-eating and Prothonotary Warblers later on and Kentucky Warblers finally get here in May.
eBird HotspotPea Patch Island, New Castle Co, DE
Heron numbers increase dramatically as they build nests. Great & Little Blues, the 3 white egrets, both night-herons and Glossy Ibis all nest there and feed in local marshes.
eBird HotspotCape Henlopen SP, Sussex Co, DE
Good for loons (with Common in alt plumage), Gannet, terns, Piping Plover and other shorebirds. Brown-headed Nuthatches come to the Visitor Center feeders.
eBird HotspotNanticoke River, Cherry Walk starts at Phillips Landing Boat Launch west of Laurel, Sussex Co, DE
Good for early migrants such as Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Yellow-throated, Pine, Palm, Black & white Warblers, Louisiana Waterthrush, Ovenbird …… Pileated Woodpecker, Red-shouldered Hawk and Barred Owl are in the woods, sometimes even real Wild Turkeys, with Osprey and terns on the river.
Glassboro Woods, Gloucester Co, NJ
Wonderful for migrating and nesting passerines, including most of the swamp warblers
eBird HotspotJohn Heinz NWR “Tinicum”, Phila Co, PA
Great for passerine migration
John Heinz NWR webpage
eBird HotspotPalmyra Cove Nature Park, Burlington County, NJ
Another wonderful spot for passerine migration
Palmyra Cove Nature Park webpage
eBird Hotspot