
The beginning of the month is a great time for pelagic birding, with a chance for White-faced Storm Petrel. As the first of fall’s cold fronts come out of the northwest, this signals the beginning of raptor migration. Any of the areas hawk watches are worth spending time at. The peak Broad-wing movement occurs between September 17 and 25. Passerines are also on the move and migrant traps such Higbee Beach and Palmyra should get good numbers.
Any of the area watches Hawk Watches
With September 17-25 as peak Broad-wing movements. The Hawk Watch at Cape May Point starts up with good flights of Kestrels and Cooper’s Hawks, and the during the last week Broad-wings, Peregrine and Bald Eagle numbers peak.
Palmyra Cove Nature Park, NJ
This is a wonderful place for migrant passerines and the best spot to pick up Connecticut Warbler as they head south.
Palmyra Cove Nature Park webpage
eBird HotspotHigbee Beach, NJ
The best place to be in September for songbirds in big numbers and lots of variety. It is also a good place to see Sharpies, Cooper’s and Merlin’s as they give chase.
eBird HotspotEdwin Forsythe “Brigantine” NWR, NJ
Shorebird migration is in full swing with lots of juveniles amongst the flocks. Keep an eye out Marbled Godwit, White-rumped Sandpiper and there is always the possibility of a Red-neck or Little Stint.
eBird HotspotStone Harbor Point, NJ
Shorebirds are often numerous with lots of juveniles among the flocks. Terns and oystercatchers and the occasional Brown Pelican can also be seen.
eBird Hotspot
All images © A & J Binns