
Waterfowl again dominate this month with any inland body of open water or coastal location likely to be very productive. Gulls are certainly worth a look with a ‘white-winged’ or a Black-headed possible.

  • Barnegat Light, NJ

    Harlequin Ducks, Purple Sandpipers, Snow Buntings, Ipswich Savannah , loons and maybe Razorbill and eiders.
    eBird Hotspot

  • “North Shore”, NJ

    From just south of Manasquan Inlet to Long Branch there are a number of ponds such as Takanassee, Deal, Wreck, Spring and Como that are worth checking for ducks and waterfowl. This ‘pond hopping’ makes for a pleasant outing! Take time to scan the ocean and jetties along this stretch.

  • Middle Creek WMA, PA

    Another of our areas major wintering grounds for 40,000 Snow Geese and 5000 Tundra Swans, and a good location to see Bald Eagles
    eBird Hotspot

All images © A & J Binns