
Waterfowl again dominate this month with any inland body of open water or coastal location likely to be very productive. Gulls are certainly worth a look with a ‘white-winged’ or a Black-headed possible.
Barnegat Light, NJ
Harlequin Ducks, Purple Sandpipers, Snow Buntings, Ipswich Savannah , loons and maybe Razorbill and eiders.
eBird Hotspot“North Shore”, NJ
From just south of Manasquan Inlet to Long Branch there are a number of ponds such as Takanassee, Deal, Wreck, Spring and Como that are worth checking for ducks and waterfowl. This ‘pond hopping’ makes for a pleasant outing! Take time to scan the ocean and jetties along this stretch.
Middle Creek WMA, PA
Another of our areas major wintering grounds for 40,000 Snow Geese and 5000 Tundra Swans, and a good location to see Bald Eagles
eBird Hotspot
All images © A & J Binns