Honorary Members of the DVOC

(From the DVOC Constitution)
“Ornithologists who have attained special prominence in their ornithological work and contributions to the Club may be chosen at the annual meeting to be Honorary Members of the Club.”

Harry Armistead
Bert Filemyr
Dr. Frank Gill
Paul Guris
F. Arthur McMorris
Rick Mellon
Robert Ridgely
W. Hart Rufe
Keith Russell
Clay Sutton
Pat Sutton
Christopher Walters
Scott Weidensaul

Rememberance of Honorary Member Dave Cutler by Andy Ednie

A complete list of all Honorary Members from 1900 to Present is available here.

Fellows of the DVOC

(From the DVOC Constitution)
“Fellows shall be chosen…………………..from among the Active Members of at least one year’s standing as a recognition of the high quality of their ornithological work or contributions to the Club.”

Cindy Ahern
George Armistead
Henry Armistead
Barrie Ashby
Georgia Ashby
Tom Bailey
Barb Bassett
Debbie Beer
Anne Bekker
Richard Bell
Arthur Bergey
Adrian Binns
Rob Bierregaard
Robert Bodine
Emmerson Bowes
Dr. Erica Brendel
Denis Brennan
Tanya Burnett
Colin Campbell
Christopher Caracino
Katrina Clark
Sally Conyne
Tony Croasdale
Herbert Cutler
Ward Dasey, III
Martin Dellwo
Lauren Diamond
Manuel Dominguez
Peter J. Dunne
Andrew Ednie
Megan Edwards
Stephanie Egger
Todd Fellenbaum
Dino Fiabane
Albert Filemyr
Ed Finkel
Ronald French
Michael Fritz
Dr. Frank Gill
Connie Goldman
Dr. Janice Gordon
Gregg Gorton
Jesse Grantham
Paul Guris
Anita Guris
Barbara Haas
Franklin Haas
Dr. Nikolas Haass
Dr. Peter Hall
Matt Halley
Dr. John Harding
Earl Harrison
Cliff Hence
Jane Henderson
Raymond Hendrick
Charles Hetzel
Armas Hill
Jeff Holt
Bob Horton
Frank Hubbart
Dr. Marvin Hyett
Rob Hynson
Lynn Jackson
Mick Jeiter
Donald Jones
Robert Karchnyak
Sandra Keller
Stephen Kerr
Bernice Koplin
Joe Koplin
Cindy LaFrance
Victor Lefevre
Walter Lipski
David Long
Stephen Maciejewski
Dr. Joseph Majdan
Steve Mattan
Scott McConnell
Patrick McGill
Doris McGovern
Richard Mellon
Holly Merker
Art McMorris
Robert Mercer
James Meritt
John Miller
Brian Moscatello
Naomi Murphy
Edie Parnum
Holger Pflicke
Nick Pulcinella
Brian Quindlen
Katrina Rakowski
Anne Reeves
Thomas Reeves
Patty Rehn
Rebecca Reicherter
Nate Rice
Robert Ridgely
Linda Rowan
W. Hart Rufe, III
Keith Russell
Dr. Paul Schwalbe
Navin Sasikumar
Martin Selzer
Win Shafer
Nilesh Shah
Matt Sharp
Ellen Short
Jack Siler
Victoria Sindlinger
Judy Stepanaskie
Clay Sutton
Pat Sutton
Linda Timlin
Kenneth Tischner
William Tucker
Mike Walter
Christopher Walters
Jason Weckstein
Dr. Franklin West
Linda Widdop
Bonnie Witmer
Phil Witmer
Lee Yoder
Louise Zemaitis