All our grassland species and woodland warbler are breeding, and any of the featured sites are well worth birding.
Alpha Grasslands
Oberly Road for breeding grassland species including Vesper, Grasshopper and Savannah Sparrow, Bobolinks, Horned Larks and Eastern Meadowlarks
eBird HotspotBrightview Farm, Burlington County, NJ
This privately owned horse farm welcomes birders (please sign in) and is a great place for breeding grassland species such Eastern Meadowlark, Bobolink, Grasshopper and Savannah Sparrow and has even hosted Dickcissel in recent years.
Brightview Farm webpage
Hawkins Road (Bear Swamp), Burlington County, NJ
Best in early June (and the preceding 2 weeks); breeding Prothonotary Warblers are the specialty species here, with a supporting cast of Kentucky, Worm-eating, Hooded, Ovenbird, Louisiana Waterthrush and Acadian Flycatcher
eBird HotspotLakehurst Naval Air Base, Ocean County, NJ
The key species here are the breeding Upland Sandpipers. Other grassland species include numerous sparrows including Field, Vesper, Grasshopper and Savannah; Bobolink and Eastern Meadowlark.
eBird Hotspot
All images © A & J Binns