Positions and Achievements
President: 2009, 2008
Vice President: 2007, 2006
Secretary: 2005, 2004
Fellow of the DVOC
Honorary Member
Life Member
I grew up in the area in Willingboro, NJ and have been birding since age 12, which is a longer period of time than I like to admit. I was introduced to DVOC and the world of serious birding by the late Jon Lavia at about age 16.
Birding experiences since then have included everything from backyard feeder watching to trips around the country, 3 weeks in Attu, and 3 day round-trips to Florida by car to "tick" some rarity. When I finally met the woman of my dreams, Anita, I gently lured her into the world of birding until she was hooked. Addicts love company, you know!
Although I enjoy all facets of birding, my particular birding vices are pelagics and spring migration. In an effort to get a "fix" for these addictions, I currently run See Life Paulagics, a pelagic birding tour company, and am Captain of DVOC's World Series of Birding team. Future plans contain more of the same!