Frank Windfelder
April 13, 2022 – 80 years of age

Delaware Valley Ornithological Club President: January 2010 – January 2012

Frank was a teacher by profession, and that carried over to his life outside the classroom. He led many bird walks and encouraged people interested in birdwatching to visit places in and around Philadelphia. One of his favorite spots was Pennypack on the Delaware, located along the Delaware River just off State Road in northeast Philadelphia.

The DVOC plans to honor the memory of Frank with the donation of a bench with a plaque to be placed at Pennypack on the Delaware. The plaque will indicate the bench is dedicated in his name and was provided by the Delaware Valley Ornithological Club.


Thanks to the generosity of the DVOC community and the many friends who fondly remember Frank’s many contributions to the local Philly birding scene, we have raised sufficient funds for the memorial bench in Frank’s honor. We will proceed with the next steps to bring this memorial to fruition and keep the DVOC community informed as the plans proceed.

If you would still like to honor Frank’s memory, please consider making a contribution to the DVOC using the button below. Feel free to put a note stating it is in memory of Frank, and what he meant to you personally. If you wish to donate by check, please contact the Treasurer (