
June 06, 2024    
7:15 pm - 9:30 pm


Academy of Natural Sciences
1900 Benjamin Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia

Event Type

The meeting will be held at the Academy of Natural Sciences, BEES classroom (3rd floor) and online.

Meeting agenda:
7:15 PM:  Zoom opens
7:30-8 PM: Club business
8 PM:  Presentation followed by questions (might start earlier if club business finishes earlier).

Please register for the meeting whether you will be attending in person or via Zoom. Then watch for the meeting link in your email. Disregard the meeting link if you will be attending in person.

Register here via Zoom

Feather Trails: A Journey of Discovery Among Endangered Birds

Speaker: Sophie Osborn (remote)

Birds are visible, vocal sentinels that alert us to environmental harms through their declining numbers or their failure to thrive. In her new book Feather Trails—A Journey of Discovery Among Endangered Birds, Sophie Osborn shares her personal experiences reintroducing endangered Peregrine Falcons, Hawaiian Crows, and California Condors to the wild. While immersing readers in the triumphs and tribulations of being a wildlife biologist, Sophie explores the threats that imperiled these birds—threats that are harmful to us, too. She will discuss what led to the endangerment of these three captivating species, recount the efforts of biologists to recover their populations, and read a few excerpts from her book that describe what it was like to work with these magnificent birds.


Sophie A. H. Osborn is an award-winning environmental writer and wildlife biologist whose work has included the study and conservation of more than a dozen bird species in the Americas. She contributed to reintroduction efforts for several endangered birds and served as the field manager for the California Condor Recovery Program in Arizona for four years. Her books include Condors in Canyon Country, which won the 2007 National Outdoor Book Award for Nature and the Environment. She has written articles for BirdWatching, Wyoming Wildlife, and Sojourns magazines. Sophie’s writings are also available on her website and her “Words for Birds” Substack.

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