Maria Pacheco

Member since: September 16, 2021

My name is María Andreína Pacheco; I am a biologist/ornithologist originally from Venezuela and moved to the States in 2005. My passion for birds started in 1991 when I took an Avian Biology course and then I decided to do my Ph.D. in Avian Ecophysiology. Since then, I have been birding wherever place I go! Since 2015, I have been Faculty Associated at Temple University, Philadelphia, working with ecology and evolution of infectious diseases, particularly avian haemosporidian parasites (malaria), including those infecting raptors. I am serving as the Vice-president of the Neotropical Ornithological Society, and as Academic Editor in “Ornitología Neotropical”, Plos ONE, and in the Infection, Genetics and Evolution editorial board. I love do birding in Philly!