
February 01, 2024    
7:15 pm - 9:30 pm


Academy of Natural Sciences
1900 Benjamin Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia

Event Type

The meeting will be held at the Academy of Natural Sciences, BEES classroom and on-line.

Meeting agenda:
7:15 PM:  Zoom opens
7:30-8 PM: Club business
8 PM:  Presentation followed by questions.

Please register for the meeting whether you will be attending in person or via Zoom. Then watch for the meeting link in your email. Disregard the meeting link if you will be attending in person.

Register here via Zoom

Communities, Climate, and Birds

Campbell Simmons is a lifelong birder and the Climate Resilient Communities and Policy Associate at River Network. For Campbell, Climate Resilience, Community leadership (particularly Black, Indigenous, and communities of color), and the well-being of our birds are completely intertwined. Through their work and personal dedication, Campbell strives to empower communities to advocate for sustainable climate resilience, build connections between people and nature, and cultivate community-centered environmentalism. Campbell will share how they use their job at River Network as well as their personal involvement in Philly to advocate for a sustainable future for both people and birds.



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