This was a hybrid meeting. We had a speaker and a live audience in the BEES classroom and the meeting was broadcast on Zoom and recorded and posted to YouTube. Navin Sasikumar filled in for Nilesh Shah as secretary. Call to Order: President Barb Bassett Call to Order: 7:30 PM Barb introduced all the officers and councilors. Attendees: 12 in-person; …
Minutes – January 4, 2024
The annual meeting was in-person only and took place at the Discovery Center. Call to Order: President Gregg Gorton Call to Order: 7:31 PM Attendees: 45 Gregg welcomed all the attendees and said it was a privilege to have been president. He thanked fellow officers and councilors, and all the past living presidents who had provided him with advice during …
Bob Billings Big Year Award
Please send in your 2023 bird checklistsThe DVOC member who saw the most bird species in the DVOC program area during the calendar year is crowned the winner of the BOB BILLINGS BIG YEAR AWARD! The prize: $200 and bragging rights! All members are urged to send in their 2023 checklists to Billings committee chair Art McMorris (mcmorris AT mac …