Say No to Sticky Tape

As we’re beginning to see the spotted lanternfly nymphs again, we have put together this flyer illustrating why NOT to use the sticky tape traps to combat these pests, and a website giving more info and some management options. Please share this flyer with family, friends, and neighbors and on social media.

Fearless Leader

Forsythe NWR Shorebird Trip

May 22, 2021 – 8 participants, high cloud cover and good temperatures. Trip was timed to coincide with high tide at 8:00 AM for maximum shorebird volume potential. 2 other bird groups were there too- Atlantic Audubon and NJ Audubon Trip Leaders: Yong Kong, Harvey Tomlinson and Marc Chelemer This trip was not for the faint of heart. Trip leader(s) …

Minutes – May 6, 2021 Delaware Valley Ornithological Club

Academy of Natural Sciences is closed due to COVID-19. Zoom Meeting: Instructions for meeting registration and how to use Zoom were announced on website and weekly digest. 7:00 PM The Pre-Meeting focused on bird sightings. Call to Order: President Linda Widdop Call to Order: 7:30pm Registrants: 46 [43 members, 3 non-members] Linda welcomed all to the meeting and introduced the …

Heislerville Shorebird Field Trip

May 9, 2021 – 10 participants, overcast conditions. Trip was timed to coincide with high tide at 8:00 AM for maximum shorebird volume potential. The dike road is closed for repairs so we met at the Matt’s Landing shell parking lot and walked the road rather than drive around the impoundments. Trip Leaders: Linda Widdop, Harvey Tomlinson and Yong Kong …

Minutes – April 15, 2021 Delaware Valley Ornithological Club

Academy of Natural Sciences is closed due to COVID-19. Zoom Meeting: Instructions for meeting registration and how to use Zoom were announced on website and weekly digest. 7:00 PM The Pre-Meeting focused on bird sightings. Call to Order: President: Linda Widdop Call to Order: 7:32pm Registrants: 63 [50 members, 13 non-members]; 37 signed on for the meeting (some had more …