Heislerville Shorebird Field Trip

May 9, 2021 – 10 participants, overcast conditions. Trip was timed to coincide with high tide at 8:00 AM for maximum shorebird volume potential. The dike road is closed for repairs so we met at the Matt’s Landing shell parking lot and walked the road rather than drive around the impoundments.

Trip Leaders: Linda Widdop, Harvey Tomlinson and Yong Kong

The main impoundment had thousands of shorebirds presents. Participants with varying shorebird experience had great views of 1000+ Dunlin, 1000+ Short-billed Dowitchers, a mix of Lesser and Greater Yellowlegs, Black-bellied Plovers, Semi-palmated Sandpipers and Plovers. All birds in a mix of breeding and basic plumages provided great learning opportunity for the birders.

We worked hard to pick out 2 Redknots from the crowd with limited success due to what Harvey calls “the shorebird shuffle”.

Find the Red Knot! (yes, it’s in there)

eBird Checklist: eBird Checklist – 9 May 2021 – Heislerville WMA – 28 species