Meeting called by President Steve Kacir Attendees 21Guests Barbara Smith Opening Remarks Steve KacirMinutes from last meeting approved by members in attendance. Committee Reports Banquet Steve KacirSteve Kacir announces that the committee chair is still vacant and asks attendees to contact him if they are interested. Barbara Granger will provide assistance to new chair when selected. Membership Bonnie WitmerBonnie Witmer …
Minutes – January 7, 2016 Delaware Valley Ornithological Club
Meeting called by President Phil Witmer Attendees 33Guests Brittany Stewart, Bob Sharp Opening Remarks Phil WitmerOutgoing President Phil Witmer thanked the club for supporting him as president. Told the members in attendance that the club is in a strong position. Thanked Bert Filemyr for his continued dedication to the club serving as Treasurer and historian. Committee Reports Nominations Art McMorrisOfficers …