Minutes – May 19, 2022

Due to concerns of COVID-19, meetings will continue to be held virtually rather than in person at the Academy of Natural Sciences. Zoom Meeting: Instructions for meeting registration were announced on the website and weekly digest. 7:00 PM: The Pre-Meeting discussed bird nests and the Raven LunaChicks’ effort in the World Series of Birding.  Call to Order: President Gregg Gorton …

Raven LunaChicks 2022 World Series of Birding

On Saturday, May 14, the “Raven LunaChicks” all-women team of 4 DVOC friends competed in the 39th annual World Series of Birding. The WSB is an annual fundraising competition to determine which team can see/hear the most birds in 24 hours in New Jersey while supporting bird conservation. We competed as a level 1 state-wide team, birding from midnight to …

Minutes – May 5, 2022

Due to concerns of COVID-19, meetings will continue to be held virtually rather than in person at the Academy of Natural Sciences. Zoom Meeting: Instructions for meeting registration were announced on the website and weekly digest. 7:00 PM: The Pre-Meeting discussed the City Nature Challenge, local birding as well as birding in NYC (where our speaker is from).  Call to …

World Series of Birding

“The Raven LunaChicks” are an all-women team of 4 friends competing in the World Series of Birding (WSB) on Saturday, May 14, 2022. The WSB is an annual fundraiser/competition/challenge to determine which team can see the most birds in a 24-hour period in New Jersey while supporting bird conservation. We are competing as a level 1 state-wide team, and our …

Black Birders Week 2022

Black Birders Week is back again this year from May 29 – June 4. Check out all the social media events on the Black AF in STEM events page. This year the Academy of Natural Sciences is hosting an in-person event in connection with Black Birders Week on May 28th: Black Excellence in Birding. “Meet some of Philadelphia’s most well-known …

Memorial Service for Al Driscoll

A memorial service for Al Driscoll will be held at 2:00 pm on Saturday, June 25th at the Moorestown Friends Meeting House, 118 E. Main Street, Moorestown, NJ 08057. You can also join online at www.zoom.us/J/86870042660