2021 Annual Banquet

Delaware Valley Ornithological Club

November 18th

Over 100 people registered for the second Annual Banquet that was held virtually due to the pandemic. A great time was had by all. We discussed recent sightings, the increase in people turning to birding, and how nice it was to see everyone. Even though held via Zoom, the camaraderie of the club members showed through.

Call to Order: President Linda Widdop

Linda welcomed all to the banquet and introduced the officers and council. A special thanks went to Lauren Diamond for all her work setting up the banquet, including sending out the gift packs for the first 50 registrants.

She went through the year’s highlights including BirdSafe Philly

and the many in-person field trips.


Congratulations to our award winners!

The Witmer Stone Award, for the best publication which embodies the results of ornithological research not undertaken in the course of professional duties, was given to Jane Henderson for her article entitled
“The ‘Dale Project’: Preserving One Birder’s Records for the Benefit of All” It was published in Bird Watcher’s Digest, vol. 44 (1), Sept/Oct 2021. She researched and very nicely documented her and others’ labor of both love and scientific dedication in preserving Dale Twinings’ bird journals, which go back 75 years, by meticulously uploading his data to eBird.

The Rosalie Edge Conservation Award, is given to non-DVOC members, not necessarily a part of the birding community, in recognition of work done that has made a significant contribution to conservation of the environment. This year’s recipient was Kashi Davis, NJ Division of Fish and Wildlife, for her work on conservation of piping plovers and other beach-nesting birds. Kashi presented a very moving description of her experiences.

The Julian Potter Award is given to one or more DVOC members who have made an outstanding contribution to Field Ornithology. This year’s award was given to Lisa Kiziuk for her tireless work for bird conservation, including establishing the Willistown Conservation Trust Bird Conservation Program and the Rushton Woods Bird Banding Program, and her leadership in the Northeast Motus Collaboration..

Annual Photography Contest

Remember the meeting on December 16th will be the annual photography presentation. All photos will be displayed. The LAST date that photos can be submitted is Friday, Nov. 26th at 11:59pm. Don’t delay!

Evening ProgramOrnitherapy

This year’s banquet speaker was DVOC Fellow, Holly Merker. The presentation was enthusiastically received with many comments such as amazing presentation and an amazing book, inspiring, super and impactful, outstanding, wonderful, moving. Ornitherapy really resonates with so many in the audience.

Watching birds is not only fun, but good for you! Learn why getting your daily dose of ornitherapy is just what the doctor ordered…. Ornitherapy, or the mindful observation of birds, benefits our mind, body,
and soul.

The book is available on Amazon, Buteo Books, and Crossley Books.  AND if you would like to buy an autographed copy, contact Holly at Ornitherapy@gmail.com


After the presentation, questions, and kudos the meeting was adjourned.

Best Birds of the Year – So Far (from the chat)

Participants were encouraged to put their best birds of the year into the chat. Here they are in no particular order:

California Condor (Grand Canyon, AZ), Le Conte’s Thrasher (Phoenix), Scott’s Oriole (PA), Redwing (Maine), Tundra Bean-Goose(Philadelphia), Allen’s Hummingbird (Philadelphia), Evening Grosbeaks (Cape May), American Dipper (Custer SP, SD), Black Rosy-Finch (WY), Kirtland’s Warbler (Baltimore), Rufous-backed Robin (AZ), Calliope Hummingbird (AZ), Allen’s Hummingbird (AZ), Lawrence’s Goldfinch (AZ), Black-chinned Sparrow (AZ), Veery, Swainson’s Thrush, Hermit Thrush, Gray-cheeked Thrush, Wood Thrush, Black-throated Blue Warbler, Black-throated Green Warbler, Fox Sparrow, Northern Parula, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Common Yellowthroat, Blackburnian Warbler, Cape May Warbler, Pine Warbler, White-winged Crossbill (Cape May), Artic Tern (Cape May), Heermann’s Gull (Cape May), Anhinga (Cape May), Pacific Loon (Cape May), Pacific Golden-Plover (Great Bay Blvd), Short-eared Owl, Yellow-rumped Warbler, Magnolia Warbler, Northern Parula, Black-throated Blue Warbler, Pileated Woodpecker, Vermillion Flycatcher (Cape May), Pomarine, Parasitic, & Long-tailed Jaegers (OH), Prothonotary Warbler, Blue-Winged Warbler, Pileated Woodpecker, a family of Cooper’s Hawks, Red-breasted Sapsucker (WA), Pacific Wren (WA), Hermit Warbler (WA), Ancient Murrelet (WA), Tufted Puffin (WA), Eastern Screech Owl in an owl box in our yard (NJ), Pacific Wren (WA), Fork-tailed Storm-Petrel, Flesh-footed Shearwater, Rough-legged Hawk, Black Tern, Long-billed Dowitcher, Cerulean Warbler, Nelson’s Sparrow, Yellow Rail (NJ), Connecticut Warbler, Marsh Wren, Grasshopper Sparrow (Philadelphia).