2023 Annual Banquet

November 17th

Congratulations to Lauren Diamond for putting together such a memorable event.

Nearly 80 people registered for the Annual Banquet which is better than last year and a sign that people are going back to normal after the pandemic. Everyone had a great time and enjoyed the good food and camaraderie.

Call to Order: President Gregg Gorton

8:00 pm – Gregg welcomed all to the banquet and introduced the officers and council. A special thanks went to Lauren Diamond for all her work setting up the banquet. Gregg delivered opening remarks and introduced long-time members of the club. He mourned those members we lost last year and thanked Lauren and others who made this banquet possible.


Congratulations to our award winners!

The Rosalie Edge Conservation Award, is given to non-DVOC members, not necessarily a part of the birding community, in recognition of work done that has made a significant contribution to conservation of the environment. The award was presented to Lori Hayes for her stewardship of Philadelphia’s natural lands, for making them accessible, and for making our neighborhoods greener.

The Witmer Stone Award, for the best publication which embodies the results of ornithological research not undertaken in the course of professional duties, was given to Bernard “Billy” Brown for his book Exploring Philly Nature: A Guide for All Four Seasons.

The Julian Potter Award is given to one or more DVOC members who have made an outstanding contribution to Field Ornithology. This year’s award was posthumously given to Tom Johnson. The award was collected on his behalf by Melissa Roach and Doug Gochfeld.

Annual Photography Contest

Remember the meeting on December 21st will be the annual photography presentation. All photos will be displayed. The LAST date that photos can be submitted is Friday, December 1st at 9:00 pm. Don’t delay!

Evening ProgramListening for Life: Saving birds with bioacoustics

This year’s banquet presenter was Scott Whittle, director of the global bioacoustics program Terra. He gave a wonderful talk about the mechanics, history, and future potential of using bird sounds as a powerful tool for conservation.


After the presentation, the meeting was adjourned. Some of us went to For Pete’s Sake after the banquet for drinks.