Preventing Bird Collisions, a Two-Part Webinar Series
Join Audubon’s Bird-Friendly Communities team for an exciting two-part webinar series focused on the issue of bird-window collisions, solutions we can take to address this problem, and lessons learned from across the Audubon network.
Register below for each event
A Discussion with Researcher Dr. Daniel Klem
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
7–8:30 pm Eastern
Solutions and Successes Across Audubon
Tuesday, November 30, 2021
7–8:30 pm Eastern
The series kicks off on Tuesday, November 16 with a discussion with well-known bird-glass collision researcher and leading expert, Daniel Klem, Jr., Acopian Professor of Ornithology and Conservation Biology at Muhlenberg College in Pennsylvania. His new book, Solid Air|Invisible Killer: Saving Billions of Birds from Windows, highlights decades of his research and summarizes both challenges and solutions.
Following this discussion with Dr. Klem, we explore collisions further in part two, Tuesday, November 30, as we chat with a panel of experts from across the Audubon network, sharing experiences and highlighting specific challenges and varied approaches to preventing bird collisions, considering the problems that light and glass pose to birds. Solutions and successes encompass policy change, coalition building, and outreach to community members and groups in implementing home and commercial solutions.