With the beginning of fall, migratory birds are flying through Philly on their way to their southern wintering grounds. Unfortunately, an estimated 1,000 birds collide with buildings and windows each year in just one four-square-block area in downtown Philly. A simple action like turning out lights can help birds navigate our environment and protect them, potentially reducing deaths by up to 70%.
Lights Out Philly is a voluntary program that involves turning off and/or blocking as many external and internal building lights as possible at night, when bird migration is occurring during the spring and fall. In addition to the 40+ office and commercial buildings citywide already participating in the program, residents can take the pledge to turn off all unnecessary lighting in their homes, especially upper level and exterior lights. That includes flood lights, decorative lights, and event and spotlights. To learn more about and get involved with Lights Out Philly, visit https://www.birdsafephilly.org/.
Folks can also join the Bird Safe Philly volunteers that monitor collision-prone buildings in the city or drive injured birds to the Schuylkill Wildlife Rehabilitation Center. If you are interested in monitoring collision-prone buildings or driving injured birds, reach out to birdsafephilly@gmail.com.