Minutes – February 4, 2016

Meeting called to order by President Steve Kacir
Attendees 23
Guests Liz Hoffman, Barbara Smith, Lisa Smith and Jill Ann Lim
Minutes from last meeting approved by members in attendance.

Committee Reports

Banquet – Steve Kacir
Steve Kacir announces that the committee chair is still vacant and asks attendees to contact him if they are interested. Anita Guris and Barbara Granger will provide assistance to new chair when selected.

Membership Steve Kacir
Application received via USPS from Jochen Baurmeister. Will be sent to Bonnie Witmer for processing.

No report

Cassinia Matt Halley
Matt Halley reports that the newly formed board met Jan 19th. Matt has gone through submitted content and announces that there is room for more information in the current issue. Asking for submissions. June deadline for next issue publishing will be met!

Billings Big Year Art McMorris
Art McMorris announces that the committee is reviewing 2015 checklists and asks for members to join the fun in 2016.

Field Trips Tony Croasdale
Next trip Feb 6 at Andorra Meadow is “Seeds and Sparrows” mixing botany with birds led by Tony Croasdale. Reliable Screech Owl roosts, Pileated and sparrows are on the list.
Jan 30 to Tullytown is rescheduled to Feb 20 in search of gulls led by Steve Kacir. Meet at the community park.
Feb 21 Palmyra Cove trip will be led by Sandra Keller –

Communications Linda Widdop
No report

Interns Fund Chris Walters
Intern fund is a new fund managed by Trustees. Started with $10,000 and has added principal through donations of approximately $6000 – $7000 from members. Earnings do not support the full amount required by Academy of Natural Sciences which has asked for $3000 in 2016 to support intern. Fund earnings $600 for 2015. Members donated another $1600 so far this year for total of $2200. Need $800 to make up the gap for 2016. Members are welcome to contribute by contacting Bert Filemyr or one of the Trustees.
Nate Rice has a significant project lined up for the intern already.
Matt Halley reports that he found the lost collection of T.H. Montgomery collection at the Wagner museum needs to be properly stored for research purposes. Montgomery joined the DVOC in 1892 and made significant scientific contributions. Asks for money to fund a cabinet at the Wagner museum to present the skin collection. Comments from Steve Kacir, Art McMorris and Chris Walters indicate that this would not be funded by the intern fund although it is a worthy cause.

Trustees Report Chris Walters
Chris Walters delivers the Trustees report. Original “Endowment” has been building for 40-50 years. Assets over $200K managed by 3 trustees (Chris Walters, Hart Rufe, Paul Guris). Money gained by investments are used for general club fund and intern fund. Additional funds entrusted to Trustees to fund intern program at the Academy of Natural Sciences. The main fund earned just over $14,000 in 2015. $6100 going to treasurer for general use. $8,000 invested back into fund. DVOC endowment is not a true “endowment” since it is not restricted but is referred to by Trustees and DVOC members as “the endowment”. The Endowment is built by Life Membership dues and reinvestment of partial earnings.

Programs Steve Kacir
Steve announces next 2 talks.


Steve Kacir announces the disbandment of East Park Reservoir committee since the reservoir is now part of the Discovery Center. Oversight of the reservoir will be moved to Conservation committee.
FaceBook still needs additional authors/editors to post topical and timely content. Barbara Bassett joined recently.
Keith Russell wins the ABA Ludlow Griscom award! Award information posted on ABA website and DVOC FaceBook page.
Tony Croasdale has been asked to be on Old Swede’s Church board. Old Swedes Church is the burial site of Alexander Wilson. Tony has been asked to help convert grounds to better natural landscape.
Mike O’Brien announces bluebird houses for sale now. Next month will have plants for sale. All proceeds go to the senior center. Asks for information on the Kestral box project from last year. No information was reported by members in attendance. Steve Kacir will research and respond.

Local Notes/Sightings

Steve Kacir– 6 species of gulls in Tullytown Bucks County last Saturday during scouting trip
Matt Halley– Kestral at the bio pond at University of Penn campus
Katrina Rakowski– Raven over Shoprite near Henry and Hunting Park Aves Philadelphia
Linda Rowan – Winter Raptor Survey in lower Bucks County/Bristol yielded 30 Bald Eagles (24 immatures), 3 flying together over community park parking lot in Tullytown. Kestral at Waste Management landfill site.

Main Program

Bruce Beehler Exploring New Guinea’s Lost Worlds and Elusive Birds of Paradise


Steve Kacir Adjourns the meeting at 9:00 PM
The usual suspects plus our guest speaker then assembled at Cherry Street Tavern for continued discussion and fun.