Minutes – June 02, 2016

7:30 PM Academy of Natural Sciences
Meeting called by President Phil Witmer
Secretary: Bonnie Witmer
Attendees: X
Guests: Liz Porter, Jake Norton, Caitlyn Norton, Dave Hewitt and Frank DeFazzio

Opening Remarks Phil Witmer

Call meeting to order by Phil Witmer.

Guests introduce themselves and are welcomed by attendees.

Meeting minutes from previous meeting approved.

Committee Reports

Membership: Bonnie Witmer

New members entered into membership: Sage Crystal, Yuxi Zhao, and Jenny Uehling.

No new member applications submitted.

Conservation: Ann Reeves

Phil noted that over $2800 have been donated in memory of Steve Kacir

ABA Quarterly features a photo of Anne Reeves

Nominating: Art McMorris

No report

Cassinia: Matthew Halley

No report

Billings Big Year

No report

Field Trips: Tony Croasdale

Next Field Trip Saturday 6/4/16 at Houston Meadows. 6/11/16 Fox Chase Farm followed by a talk by Matt Halley at Pennypack Environmental Center.

Communications: Linda Widdop

No report

Programs: George Armistead

Annual Picnic at the Guris’ on July 16th

Next official meeting Mid September. Speaker will be Matt Halley speaking on “Thomas Jefferson, Birder”

Details can be found at: http://dvoc.org/wp/activities/meetings/


Tony Croasdale reported that he and Matt Halley are organizing a Philadelphia Breeding BIrd Census.

  1. Go out within an hour of sunrise and look for:
    • Males singing
    • Breeding behavior
    • Birds carrying food
    • Birds carrying fecal sacs
    • Adults feeding juveniles,
    • Etc.
  2. Make an entry in ebird and make notes on the bird, specifying the breeding behavior observed.
  3. Email Tony or go on DVOC website and sign up. There are still areas in the city that are not being covered.
  4. Phil Witmer added that this is right in line with citizen science.

    Brittany reported on the Annual Banquet, we have the Ironworkers Union Hall but would like to find an alternate place. Barb Granger added that a map of all members’ location may help us to find a location convenient to more members.

    Local Notes/Sightings

    Last Saturday, George Armistead, Todd Fellenbaum, Annie Reeves and Holly Merker were at Bombay Hook, Little Creek and other spots. Seen were: Rough, Wilson’s Phalarope, the Red Knots have moved on.

    Last Friday Marty Dellwo and Linda Widdop saw: Bobwhite, Blue Grosbeak, Grasshopper sparrow, and Trindade Petrel but missed the Rough at Bombay Hook.

    Rob Bierregard reported nesting Screech Owls in his yard. They are red phase, the male being redder than the female.

    Tony Croasdale reported seeing a Prairie Warbler, appeared to be breeding at Wissahickon Meadow.

    Greg Gorton reported that the Manayunk Peregrines are about to fledge.

    Art McMorris reported that the City Hall Peregrines were checked and Mayor Kenney accepted the invitation to join the group. He asked good questions and showed a lot of interest.

    Phil Witmer reported that one of the nest boxes at Green lane has lost 3 eggs, and the adults have appeared to abandon the nest. The second nest box appeared to be active, with adults nearby and had 4 eggs.

    Main Program

    Hurricanes and Beach Nesting Birds – More Than Meets the Eye – Kashi Davis


    Phil Witmer Adjourns the meeting
    A few members then assembled at Cherry Street Tavern for continued discussion and fun.