Minutes – October 6, 2016

7:30 PM Academy of Natural Sciences
Meeting called by President Phil Witmer
Secretary: Linda Widdop
Attendees: 16
Guests: Nina Desianti

Opening Remarks Phil Witmer

Phil Witmer welcomes members and guests to the meeting.

Committee Reports

Membership: Phil Witmer on behalf of Bonnie Witmer

Phil Witmer announces the names of all those admitted to membership since the last meeting including Ken Walsh who was in attendance.

Programs: Phil Witmer

Next meeting – social meeting in conjunction with Wyncote Audubon – Fall Social Let’s Go Birdering! October, 20, 2016 will be held at Earth Bread + Brewery, 7136 Germantown Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19119. Please note earlier start time – 7:00 PM

November 3, 2016 CASSINIA: The History of DVOC’s Journal & issue #77 held at Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia. Presented by Bert Filemyr, Barbara Granger, Matthew Halley.

Field Trips: Bob Horton, filling in for Tony Croasdale

Delaware River Trail/ Washington Ave Green
October 15, 2016 @ 8:30 am – 10:30 am
Lead by Keith Russell

Houston Meadow
October 23, 2016 @ 8:00 am – 10:30 am
Lead by Martin Seltzer

A new field trip has been added
Northern Saw-whet Owl Banding at Rushton Farm Preserve, PA
October 30, 2016 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Rushton Woods Preserve, Delchester Rd, Malvern, PA 19355

Philly Bird Race starts on Sat Oct 9th. The event is a fundraiser for BirdPhilly to support initiatives. Promoting city birding and bringing new birders out into the field.

Cassinia: Matthew Halley

No report.

Annual Banquet: Barbara Granger

Date for the event is November 17th at Sheet Metal Workers Union Hall. Registration is live on new DVOC website. The committee will also send direct postal mail effort to get the word out to members who do not provide email address to the club. Members are encouraged to use the new web form to register. Price has remained the same at $49.50!
Bonnie Witmer needs photos of DVOC members in action in the field. Send any photos to bonnie.witmer@verizon.net
Speaker: Katie Fallon
“Coffee, Coal, and Cooperation: Saving the Cerulean Warbler”

Gregg Gorton asks for nominations for the Witmer Stone award for writing. Send nominations to Gregg Gorton at homoaves@gmail.com
Phil Witmer asks for Rosalie Edge Conservation Award nominees – a non member who has excelled in conservation. Send nominations to Anne Reeves boxerthirtythree@yahoo.com.


Big Sit 10/9 at Heinz Refuge run by Debbie Beer. Meet at the observation tower to participate. Contact Debbie Beer for details debbeer@hotmail.com

Little Sit at the Witmers on 10/8. Contact Phil Witmer for more details Philip.Witmer@verizon.net

Lisa and Rob Fanning to do Big Sit at Sandy Hook 10/9.

Osprey migration report by Rob Bierregaard. One Osprey in the study flew out over the Atlantic blown out by a storm. Rob is hoping that she gets back to land. 3 birds are navigating around Hurricane Matthew now. 1 was in Guantanamo Bay Cuba and seems to have survived. Check out ospreytrax.com to see what happens!

Mike O’Brien announces blue bird houses for sale to support the senior home garden club. Also notes that Forsythe drive is closed for construction.

Local Notes/Sightings

Mike O’Brien took a trip to Green Lane Park Montgomery County PA for hawk and owl presentations.

Bob Horton saw the Lark Bunting that was found at Sandy Hook NJ 2 weeks ago. The bird stayed and was viewed by birders for 3 days.

Marty Dellwo saw 22 species at John Heinz Refuge in Philadelphia. Jack Creighton also found many migrants at the refuge.

Linda Widdop saw Lincoln’s sparrow in Jenkintown PA

Main Program – Frontiers in Pennsylvania

Linda Widdop provides information about birding locations, wildlife viewing, star gazing and world renowned hiking trails in this talk about Potter, Cameron and Clinton counties in Pennsylvania


Phil Witmer Adjourns the meeting
Linda Widdop invites members to continue the conversation at Cherry Street Tavern.