Results of the election of officers and councilors

The election of DVOC officers and councilors is held each year at the “Annual Members’ Meeting” each January. The results of the election held at the January 6 2022 meeting are as follows:

Officers (for 1-year terms):

President: Gregg Gorton
Vice President: Barbara Bassett
Secretary: Navin Sasikumar
Treasurer: Martin Dellwo

Councilors-at-Large (for 3-year terms):

Victoria Sindlinger
Patrick McGill

DVOC congratulates the elected officers and councilors, and thanks retiring councilors Anne Bekker and Brian Quindlen and continuing councilors Katrina Rakowski, Dan Efroymson, Linda Timlin and Mike Walter for their service to the club. We especially thank outgoing President Linda Widdop for her outstanding service leading the club as President, and as Vice President and Secretary before that.