7:30 PM Academy of Natural Sciences
Meeting called by President Phil Witmer
Secretary: Linda Widdop
Attendees: 29
Guests: Lauren Diamond, Randall Sindlinger, Maribel Sindlinger,
Opening Remarks Phil Witmer
Phil Witmer welcomes members and guests to the meeting. November 3rd meeting minutes were approved by members in attendance.
Committee Reports
Membership: Bonnie Witmer
Bonnie Witmer announced new applicant, Robin Irizarry and the new members since the last meeting:
Bill Kunze – family membership
They were welcomed into membership in November.
Banquet: Barbara Granger
Barbara Granger reported that the banquet was a success this year. Brittany Stewart and Navin Sasikumar ran the committee successfully. Despite looking at many new sites, the Sheet Metal Worker’s Union Hall was selected again. A new registration form was successful including online payment option making tracking attendance easier.
85 people attended. Expenses are estimated $200 more than ticket sales which is very good. Full report will be made in the near future.
Nominating: Art McMorris
Slate of officers and councilors are announced:
President – Martin Dellwo
Vice President – George Armistead
Secretary – Linda Widdop
Treasurer – Bert Filemyr
Councilors at Large – Gregg Gorton and Tony Croasdale will rotate off of council. Nominating Barbara Bassett and Navin Sasikumar.
Floor is open for nominations – no nominations suggested
Billings Big Year: Art McMorris
Art describes the Bob Billings Big Year competition. Full information on the Bob Billings Big Year is on the DVOC website: under the “About” tab, go to “Committees”. Participants must sign up by March 31.
Upcoming Meetings
December 15, 2016 at 7:30 PM is the DVOC Members’ Photo Contest
Held at the Academy of Natural Sciences
The program will be hosted by Marty Dellwo.
Patty Rehn, Steve Mattan and Marty Dellwo will be judging the contest. Deadline for submissions in Dec 5, 2016.
Annual Meeting – held at Jenkins Arboretum with refreshments for the 4th year. Bonnie will coordinate food and beverage. Look for registration on the website soon.
Field Trips
George Armistead will lead a trip to Cape May NJ on Sunday Dec 4th. Meet at Concrete Ship at 7 AM to search for sea birds and other local birds.
Mike O’Brien has a few bluebird houses left for sale for $35. Would be a good Christmas gift.
George Armistead has one copy of Birds of Pennsylvania for sale for $25.
Local Notes/Sightings
Debbie Beer – announces that Al Guarente found Black Nck Stilt at Springton Reservoir
Tropical Kingbird in Lancaster County was seen by many DVOCers
Anne Reeves found Red-headed Woodpecker at Pennypack on the Delaware in Philadelphia by the gazebo
Many uncommon hummingbirds are being reported from Pennsylvania and New Jersey including one Black-chinned Hummingbird at Mike Fritz’ yard in November.
Frank Windfelder reported Orange-crowned warbler at POD
Dr. David Hewitt: Cities aren’t like Ecosystems, Cities are Ecosystems
David Hewitt taught ecology to City & Regional Planning
students at Penn, and this talk is his “lessons learned” from that
experience: about how and why one should understand cities as
ecosystems—not as a metaphor, not as a stretch of the imagination, but
simply and clearly as ecosystems governed by ecological principles,
just as other kinds of ecosystems are.
Phil Witmer Adjourns the meeting at 9:20 PM